Welcome to the WMA

The World Missions Academy offers basic training in missions, rooted in the local church, and focused on better equipping churches and individuals for the Great Commission. As such, we provide resources to the local church and to its current and future missionaries. These resources include: textbooks, manuals, videos, audio recordings, study guides, pamphlets, and the opportunity to study our courses under trained facilitators. Our courses may be studied locally (small groups meeting in the local church), via the Internet (online studies), or a combination of the two. If you would like to know more about how the WMA operates, please select the “Design” button on the menu. Select any other button for additional information on that particular topic.


 © 2021 William F. Ritchey. Unless otherwise noted, graphics copyright © 2021 William F. Ritchey, Corel Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.